1. 40% of all transactions take place in the first 90 days of the year.
50 years of research from the National Association of Realtors has proven that.
If you are a seller don’t wait to put your house on the market, take advantage of the high amount of sales activity that takes place all before the end of March!
2. NAR (National Association of Realtors) forecasts that first-time buyers will again be a dominant force in 2010 at 45% of the market. A 2009 NAR study revealed that 53% of first time buyers were referred to an agent to purchase their home.
3. Home sales prices are expected to increase in 2010
Lawrence Yun, Chief Economist of NAR, expects a 20% boost in existing home sales in the first half of 2010 compared to the same time last year. This will further reduce inventory and set the stage for price increases in many parts of the country.
One factor underlying the home sales forecast is that mortgage rates will continue to remain at near historic lows-under 6%.
4. Studies show that 84% of all homes are sold by professionals who were referred to buyers and sellers.
When your friends mention they are going to be buying or selling a home (or both) please think of me and refer them. I would love to be of service and provide a wonderful buying and selling experience.
Thank you!